Race issues beset Obama’s ‘post-racial’ presidency
Conservatives had linked the tape to the NAACP asking the conservative “Tea Party” political movement to denounce racism by some of its members. Images such as Obama with a bone through his nose and the White House with a lawn full of watermelons are often displayed at Tea Party rallies.
What exactly constitutes ‘often’ in this sentence? To most, it implies that these images are seen at a majority of the rallies. This has never been shown to be the case. That would make it a false statement and should be retracted.
I encourage you to retract that statement, or at the very least, alter the verbiage to give it some factual basis.
I am a Michigan Tea Party member and have been to over 30 Tea Party events both national and local and have never witnessed any pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose, or pictures of the White House with watermelons on the lawn.
In fact, I have never ever seen anything of a derogatory racial nature concerning President Obama.
I have, however, seen pictures depicting him as a fascist, which is just a political statement.
I suggest the authors of this article actually attend an event or even interview some tea party members so that they can really understand what we are about.
Small limited government and adherence to the U.S. constitution is what we’re about, not a bunch of racism.
We heard from a number of readers about this. We should not have used the word “often” in that sentence. We have issued a correction: GBU Editor
Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin speaks at a Tea Party Express rally on Boston Commons in Boston, April 14, 2010. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
Buttons for sale at Tea Party Express rally. REUTERS/Brian Snyder