Obama warns against scare tactics over healthcare
Protesters in Washington brandished American flags and home-made signs venting their anger at Obama and the Democrats who control both houses of the U.S. Congress, accusing them of pushing the country toward bankruptcy with reckless spending.
“Taxed Enough Already!” one man shouted, while others listened to speakers and traded leaflets. The crowd appeared to be one of the largest rallies against Obama since he took office, although it did not come close to matching the turnout on the National Mall for his inauguration in January.
I’ve not been able to find, on online Reuters, news on that huge protest demonstration in Washington, D.C. on the 12th. I searched news stories in the U.S. section and the Politics section, for the last 7 days. Where should I look? Thanks!
Ted W.
You call yourselves a news organization. But you did even mention the largest march on Washington in years. You are obviously in the Obama camp, hook, line and sinker. How shameful.
Where is the coverage of the Tea Party across the country? Same as all the other lazy no common sense news organizations. Dont have a clue as to whats really happening.
One million or more people protest in DC. Where is the coverage? Would be nice to see some old fashioned reporting.
A number of readers wrote in looking for our coverage of the weekend taxpayer protest in Washington, DC.
We folded two paragraphs on the event into a larger story about a Minneapolis appearance by President Obama on Saturday, but did not have a separate text story.
We did have a video report, but likewise combined it with the Obama story, and the headline, “Obama healthcare plan on the road,” was not exactly user-friendly for readers trying to follow the protests : GBU Editor
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Thousands of demonstrators gather on the plaza near the U.S. Capitol to participate in a “Taxpayer March on DC” protest against President Barack Obama’s fiscal and economic policies including the administration’s health care reform plans in Washington, September 12, 2009. REUTERS/Mike Theiler